Public Relations
Public Relations and Marketing Committee (PR/MARKETING)
Be chaired by the Secretary
Produce periodic newsletters or utilize other media vehicles to keep the membership informed about the about the Association’s events, activities, and issues.
Publicize Association’s events, activities, and information in the media of other organizations, including the NRA Contemporary Rehabilitation newsletter, and in the appropriate media vehicles of other related organizations.
Manage and oversee the production and use of the Association’s social media outlets to assure accuracy, appropriateness, and consistency with the Association’s mission, including the maintenance of guidelines for its use.
Manage, monitor, and oversee the Association’s website, including assuring the accuracy and currency of information and procedures and guidelines for its access and use.
Assist in the development of promotional materials for the Association.
Oversee the production of post relevant conference presentations and proceedings onto the website.
Collaborate with the Association’s Representative to the NRA Board for the purposes of the coordination and dissemination of NAMRC information to NRA; and
Work with all Standing Committees to inform membership of Association’s business,
especially the Professional Development Committee, Conference Committee, and the Finance & Economic Development Committee to post relevant information to the website.