Conference Planning Committee
Conference Planning Committee
The goal of the National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns Conference Planning Committee is to provide a quality conference while ensuring equality of opportunity by vigorously enforcing the policies and procedures. The conference co-chairs (National and Local) will be appointed by the President of the National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns and approved by the Board of Directors. Conference co-chairs have the responsibility for appointing the various committee chairs. The following committees are established to plan and coordinate the conference activities: Program Committee, Publicity and Outreach Committee, Registration and Logistics Committee, Hospitality Committee, Fundraising Committee, Student Outreach Committee, and Awards Committee. Each committee should consist of 4-5 members. The Committee Chair(s) will be responsible for developing their respective committees. A current NAMRC Board member must co-chair each committee. The Conference Co-chairs may establish other committees as deemed necessary.