Professional Development
a) Supervise all activities related to professional development, Board nominations, NAMRC
Awards and Scholarships;
b) Supervise and conduct the election of officers and Board of Directors via the nominations process outlined in (Article XI, Section I);
c) Implement procedures to solicit and submit nominees to NRA for national officers, NRA and NAMRC awards;
d) Provide guidelines and oversight for the process to receive nominations for NAMRC established awards and the selection of recipients;
e) Be responsible for all activities related to hosting awards and recognition programs;
g) Develop appropriate nomination criteria and publicity guidelines for awards, nominations, process, and the notification procedures;
The established NAMRC Awards are:
(1) President’s Award
(2) T.K. Bridges Practitioner Award
(3) Bobbie Atkins Research Award
(4) Sylvia Walker Education Award
(5) Joyce Keener Meritorious Service Award
(6) Virgie Winston-Smith Lifetime Achievement Award
(7) Felicia Hunter Organizational Award
(8) Silvio Sean Reyes Student of the Year Award
(9) Vernon Hawkins Pioneer and Leadership Award.
h) Review the guidelines and development of the topic for the L. Robert McConnell and Eddie Glenn- Bryant Student Scholarship award competition each year;
i) Establish and delegate through the Scholarship Committee of the annual conference, the review all of the submitted scholarly papers, selection of the winner, and the provision of a presentation by the scholarship winner during the organized program (e.g. Annual Conference).
j) Oversee the process of development of a vehicle for scholarly publications of research articles relevant to NAMRC’s mission;
k) Work closely with the Conference Program committee and have one representative present on the Conference Program committee;
l) Promote and develop programs, opportunities and guidelines for the inclusion and usage of multicultural competencies in agencies, institutions, and policies;
m) Oversee the development and implementation of the multicultural mentoring program) Establish standards for professional excellence. This committee shall make recommendations to an appointed representative (selected by the President and approved by the Board) who will represent NAMRC’s interest as a member of designated entities
n) Develop Standards of Practice for Officers, Board and Committee members;
o) Develop guidelines for sanction/dismissal of Officers, Board and committee members; and
p) Develop multicultural fact-sheets/information to be presented on NAMRC website.